Here's something kind of awkward that happened to me when I was a kid...someone asked me what the purpose of music is. Having never considered this at all, I was not in the slightest bit prepared to answer, and I think I turned very red and said something fairly inane about beauty or recognizing great art or some other dumb thing. But while at the time I would rather have jumped straight out the window (had there been one) rather than try to answer, I do acknowledge that it is an important question, and I have often thought of what I should have said. And my answer now, (now that I am an adult and have had time to prepare,) is that the primary purpose of music is to foster connection and communication with other people. These things are obviously important...we can't solve our problems without access to connection and communication - we probably won't agree or understand each other very well without them. They are imperative to a functional society, and anything that promotes them is priceless. And that's why I think that music is AWESOME and so incredibly valuable.

In that spirit, I think that it is important to recognize that music is music, is music. None of us have to like it all. But whether we as individuals like it or not is irrelevant, as it still serves it's purpose despite our own personal preferences. All music has value. Admittedly, some music probably has more artistic integrity than other music, but this is often a matter of opinion. All music is worthwhile. For that reason, I try to explore as many genres and styles as I can, and bring that diversity into the solo violin world. Because solo violin is also AWESOME! I hope you like what you find here.