My son Caleb is a boy of many obsessions. Each lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a year. We have thoroughly considered Star Wars, Harry Potter, Legos, extinct animals (NOT limited to Dinosaurs)...

The current obsession is the people on money. As per the boy's instructions, I have hot glued these guys (yes, ALL GUYS) to foam, cardboard, pencils and toothpicks. I have cut them from their respective currencies (computer printed, not actual money, sorry Caleb), and replaced them with pictures of our family. I have swept a great many of them off our floor. I have emptied my printer ink cartridge in their name. But the thing that comes to mind while I do this is HOW AMAZING is Lin-Manuel Miranda? (He wrote AND starred in Hamilton. He of the 10 dollar bill).
Hamilton (the show, not the currency) is basically a rap musical. It completely defies convention. It is SO well written, so creative, so engaging - Miranda has done something truly outstanding. If you haven't seen it yet, it is worth the time. I'll keep sweeping up heads.